J-Carcamo-Associates-Drivetime-Marketing-Podcast-Trent-DangFor our second Drivetime Marketing episode, we’re joined by Trent Dang, industry specialist practice director at VizExplorer.

After spending 18 years on the operations side of the casino industry, Trent was recruited by VizExplorer to not only provide a specialist point of view, but to assist clients in their success.

A bit of a turnaround specialist, Trent knows the ins and outs of a variety of facets of marketing and is an incredible walking library of best practices.

VizExplorer makes life easier, more productive and profitable for virtually any business. Powerful, yet intuitive, applications provide elegant solutions to a range of operational and marketing challenges At the core of the solution is the ability to understand operational metrics and bring together management data, customer preferences, and other data streams such as social, hotel or food & beverage. With an intuitive and often visual experience employees from operations to marketing to space optimization to CRM can become agile, execution engines in a real time environment.

Find more about Trent on LinkedIn.

Drivetime Marketing is sponsored by M Partners.


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