
ever-after-agencyBrandon Cox is a publicist with an eye for innovation and a passion for emerging ways to communicate. Because he moved around a lot as a child, he was always the “new kid on the block,” but he turned that disadvantage into a lifelong lesson.

When you’re trying to build an emotional connection with consumers, the messenger is just as important as the message. Brandon challenges our traditional thought of the value of staying on message and why messengers are becoming an important factor in brand stories. He also talks about how social media has allowed companies to have more than one “face of the brand”.

Then he turns the tables on me and asks me a question. Hey, who’s interviewing who?


You can find Brandon on Twitter and Instagram at @dabnisbrickey_ and on his admittedly NSFW podcast, Secured the Bag on iTunes.


Production note: Brandon wants you to tell him what your favorite Super Bowl commercial is. Tweet him with the hashtag #drivetimemarketing.


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