
I hate buzzwords and hate using them. So, why (oh why) am I dedicate this time to a buzzword? When you look at how consumers are receiving messages, you have to acknowledge that delivering a seamless experience is a must. Today we’re talking about ominchannel.

Think about how many customers you have and how many channels they utilize for information and then how many ways they are absorbing that message in that channel at that very point in time. If you haven’t shifted from a multichannel mindset to an omnichannel one, you need to do that today. Here’s how to do it.


Becoming an Omnichannel Marketer
Article Name
Becoming an Omnichannel Marketer
Think about how many customers you have and how many channels they utilize for information and then how many ways they are absorbing that message in that channel at that very point in time. If you haven't shifted from a multichannel mindset to an omnichannel one, you need to do that today. Here's how to do it.
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J Carcamo & Associates
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